I chose the first piece of new, because it is related with global warming and this is a very common topic in our career. The new inform us about a small and impoverished community of Gabura in Bangladesh, and how the rising sea levels, devastation of crops and the increased likelihood of devastating cyclones, is affecting their lives. At the end of the new show us that we can stop with this damage, because we are responsible about it. This information is related with our country and with the whole word because if we do not do anything to stop it, all of us will be victims of global warming.

The second one I chose because I found it funny and interesting because is about a recent research which present evidence that domestic pigs can quickly learn how mirrors work and will use their understanding of reflected images to scope out their surroundings and find their food, saying that their could be in the same rank that apes or dolphins. Therefore we will think in pig’s intelligence when we are eating it!!
The third was a short one about an 18-year-old Melbourne student will front court charged with trafficking heroin and ecstasy at his secondary school.But he was remanded on bail to appear at the Court. That’s related with Chile because there we have the same cases even with younger people and they pay for their liberty caused the “revolving doors” and making the same mistakes over and over again.
Those newspaper were very useful because we can practice our reading comprehension skills but it’s could be better if we have the opportunity to read national news!!

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